Monday 6 December 2010

International Equine Artists

I have recently become a menber of International Equine Artists - I would encourage everyone to take a look at their site as there are some fantastic artists on there!

Sunday 28 November 2010

New Commission

I have recently finished a portrait of my friend's beautiful horse, Trina.

Monday 15 November 2010

Brief update

Its been a quiet week art wise. I've been busy at work and then away on Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, my weekend did not start well, as late Friday night I started being ill which has continued up until today - not sure if it was something I ate or caught but it was not pleasant either way!!

I have started fiddling about again tonight with my latest oil painting (which I think shall be christened 'Inquisitive'), and have also been meaning to get on and finish a commission which is about 75% done now; unfortunately both took a back seat this weekend, as did the Horses, who seem to be most put out that they have hardly seen me! Hoping to have a productive couple of evenings going forward this week!

Sunday 7 November 2010

Getting hooked on painting now....

I've been fiddling around with my oil painting all weekend, and am thoroughly enjoying myself! I think I may well get hooked on painting now! I am already planning what my next painting will be, and have idea's for a slightly different composition. Watch this space!

I've been applying lots of layers of colour to build up to the right shade of bay, and applying subtle shadows and highlights, which again have built up to produce the right effect. I have started blocking in colour on the bridle now, as well as some finer details on the horse, such as the tiny wrinkles around the bottom of the muzzle. There is still quite a way to go until its finished, I'm looking forward to getting home from work tomorrow night and getting the horses done so I can come home and carry on painting!

New oil painting

I'm currently working on a new oil painting which is something I am very excited about. I tend to get bogged down with drawing a lot of the time so its nice to do something different for a change.

This is very much a work in progress, and the photo is not the best quality as was taken in the dying light! Name suggestions on my facebook page welcome, as at a loss as to what to call this once its finished! I'm quite tempted to start doing a lot more painting now...!

Saturday 6 November 2010

Reviving the blog....

Ashamed to admit that I have completely abandoned this blog for the entire summer! I tend to get a bit carried away with the horses in the evenings after work and forget about things like this. As the evenings have now drawn in I have lots of time to spend drawing and painting and intend to make a conscious effort to keep the blog going.

I recently finished of a small little pencil drawing called 'Half Pass' which is for sale on my website:

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Friday 26 March 2010

Escaping pony and commissions

Today has been a hectic day, working from home as had the farrier out. My smallest, Spyder, (and eldest, so should probably know better!!) didn't need doing as he was only trimmed a couple of weeks ago whilst at my parents, so I rather un-wisely left him in the field. Spyder decided that, actually, he would rather come in and cause trouble, so at what I can only describe as lightening speed, shot underneath the electric fence gate and decided to tear around the yard upsetting B and Ellie and looking very pleased with himself!!!

Art wise, I am currently working on a commission in coloured pencil which is very nearly finished. I am aiming at working on this tonight and hopefully having it completed before the weekend. I also have an oil painting on the go, which has been put to one side for rather a while, and I really need to resurrect it!

I recently discovered a small pad of acrylic paper, which is rather like textured cardboard, and wanted to do a series of small drawings using this, so I am also currently working on (hopefully) the first of a series of foal drawings.